Kamis, 28 April 2011


©     South Korea's Incheon International Airport the Best in the World
In 2010 South Korea's largest airport was re-elected as World's Best Airport for the second time. Previously, the world's best airport three years ago held by Changi Airport, Singapore. The survey was conducted in more than 190 airports by distributing questionnaire to its 8.6 million passengers around the world since 2008 until 2009.
Incheon Airport was built on the land area of ​​11.7 million m2, has 2 base and 1 cargo terminal area of ​​132 m2 and the International business center covering an area of ​​165 thousand m2. The airport is the busiest in the world, this airport every day to do 10 thousand flights to 120 cities in 40 countries worldwide. For passengers who transit and waiting a long time, provided a private bed. There are also golf courses, hotels and spas. There is also a large indoor garden with Oasis follows the interior resembles the surrounding pine trees.
Incheon Airport is located in the metropolitan city of Incheon, 70 kilometers from the South Korean capital, Seoul. This town was used as the host of the FIFA World Cup 2002. Incheon Airport near Incheon Port that is now under construction. Incheon Port is strategically located because it was in the middle of the continent of Asia and America. The South Korean government plans to make Incheon as a business center in Northeast Asia.

©     Jeju Island, the Island for Honeymoon
Jeju Island Is the most beautiful tourist attractions in Korea. The island is often used as a meeting place of the centipede world. Carrying the head of state ever to stay at the hotel Jeju Island is the President of USA Bill Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev of Russia, Jiang Zemin of China and President of Indonesia SBY.
Indonesian People call it the Korean Island of Bali. There are a high cliff, underneath there is a vast sea, around the cliffs there are plants with colorful flowers are very beautiful. In the eastern part of this island there are darting through the vast grasslands for herding livestock. Since the time Mongols, Jeju Island is known as a place of grazing livestock. Fruit of the most famous on the Island of Jeju is Seogwipo orange, is small and very sweet taste. Currently there are around 12 thousand orange farmers on Jeju Island. Orange production that could provide foreign exchange amounting to 10 million U.S. Dollars annually.
Mount Halla is the highest peak on the Jeju Island. The mountain had erupted in 1007. Vomit lava that flowed after a thousand years caused tunnels and pillars are very beautiful. In the vicinity of these mountains, beautiful scenery is different every season. In spring, plants Royal Azalae make a magenta shades. In this season, there are about 2 thousand species of wildflowers that grow together. At the end of spring flowers are yellow Boksucho small start poking through piles of snow.

©     In New Caledonia there are Still Javanese
New Caledonia is located in Pasifik Southern Ocean, these islands belong to France, Noumea is the capital. The locals call the island of New Caledonia as Kanaki. This area is partly inhabited by the Javanese, who first came to this island as a rough labor. New Caledonia is the largest island in the South Pasifik after Papua New Guinea and New Zealand. The population is about 250 thousand inhabitants.
Because of this archipelago country, then almost all the resorts on offer is the beach. New Caledonnia very beautiful beach, blue water, calm, clean sand, with the surrounding grassland. Beach - the famous beautiful beach in New Caledonia, among others, Saint Joseph Bay, Oro Bay, Kuto n Kanumera Bay and Upi Bay. At Joseph's Bay there are statues of traditional inhabitants arranged neatly along the coast. In Upi Bay there is a large rock in the middle of the sea. New Caledonia is very cool area, grassland is everywhere. There are heart-shaped grass field named Love New Caledonia. There is also a small island called Ameedee Island.

Sumber : Teen Magazine

Senin, 25 April 2011

Fruits Can Make Beautiful

1.    Strawberry
Strawberry mengandung asam salisilat, vitamin C, vitamin E dan vitamin K yang sangat bagus untuk kulit. Kandungan yang terdapat dalam buah ini bermanfaat untuk membantu mengecangkan dan meremajakan kulit.
How to make and use it :
ü  Hancurkan buah strawberry menggunakan sendok atau garpu
ü  Tambahkan 1 sendok teh madu
ü  Oleskan pada wajah
ü  Diamkan selama 20 menit
ü  Bersihkan dengan air hangat atau air mawar
2.   Alpukat
Alpukat dapat membantu meningkatkan kadar kolesterol baik di dalam tubuh. Selain itu, alpukat juga bermanfaat bagi yang mempunyai masalah kulit kering, alpukat sangat bermanfaat untuk melembabkan kulit.
How to make and use it :
ü  Hancurkan daging buah alpukat
ü  Oleskan pada wajah selama 30 menit
ü  Bersihkan dengan kapas dan bilas dengan air hangat untuk membersihkan sisa masker
3.   Pisang
Buah ini sering digunakan untuk diet, karena tidak mengandung lemak dan mudah dicerna. Pisang bermanfaat melembabkan dan membuat kulit lebih kenyal.
How to make and use it :
ü  Kupas pisang ambon, lalu hancurkan buahnya
ü  Tambahkan minyak zaitun atau madu
ü  Oleskan pada wajah dan diamkan selama 30 menit
ü  Bersihkan wajah dengan kapas yang telah dibasahi air hangat
4.   Apel
Apel mengandung banyak serat dan air sehingga bagus untuk diet. Selain itu, buah yang biasanya berwarna merah dan hijau ini dapat membantu mengurangi minyak pada wajah.
How to make and use it :
ü  Cuci buah apel sampai tidak ada lagi zat lilin yang menempel
ü  Hanurkan apel menggunakan blender
ü  Oleskan secara merata pada wajah
ü  Biarkan menempel pada wajah selama 30 menit
ü  Bersihkan sisa masker dan bilas dengan air hangat

5.   Tomat
Kandungan vitamin C yang terdapat dalam buah tomat, dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kecantikan. Tomat dapat membuat kulit wajah lebih halus dan merona alami.
How to make and use it :
ü  Iris buah tomat
ü  Oleskan pada wajah dan biarkan mengering secara alami
ü  Selain itu, tomat dapat diperas terlebih dahulu dan ambil airnya
ü  Oleskan pada wajah selama 30 menit
ü  Bersihkan sisa masker dengan air
6.   Bengkoang
Bengkoang sering digunakan sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan produk-produk kecantikan, seperti masker, pembersih wajah, sabun wajah serta pelembab wajah. Buah berwarna putih ini dapat membuat wajah menjadi lebih putih dan bersinar.
How to make and use it :
ü  Kupas bengkoang
ü  Hancurkan dengan blender
ü  Campurkan dengan sedikit madu dan perasan air jeruk nipis
ü  Aplikasikan pada wajah selama 30 menit
ü  Bersihkan sisa masker
7.   Timun
Saat mata lelah, timun dingin dapat membuat syaraf-syaraf mata mengendur dan lebih rileks. Selain menyegarkan mata, timun juga dapat menghaluskan dan menyegarkan kulit wajah.
How to make and use it :
ü  Blender timun sampai hancur
ü  Tambahkan susu bubuk tanpa rasa dan air atau dapat juga menggunakan susu cair tanpa gula (plain)
ü  Campurkan timun dan susu sehingga menjadi adonan yang kental
ü  Oleskan pada wajah selama kurang lenih 30 menit
ü  Bersihkan masker dengan air hangat menggunakan handuk
8.   Jeruk Nipis / Lemon
Banyak produk kecantikan yang mengandalkan khasiat dari buah yang mengandung banyak vitamin C ini. Karena jeruk nipis atau lemon bermanfaat untuk menghilangkan jerawat dan menjadikan kulit kusan mejadi lebih cerah.
How to make and use it :
ü  Peras jeruk nipis dan ambil airnya
ü  Tambahkan madu pada perasan air jeruk nipis dengan perbandingan 1:1
ü  Oleskan pada wajah dan biarkan selama 30 menit
ü  Cuci dengan air hangat

Sumber : Gaul Magazine

Examples of Reported Speech

1.    Direct Speech          : “You didn’t come to Jessica’s party last night,” I said to Jeje.
Reported Speech    : I said to Jeje that he hadn’t come to Jessica’s Party last night.
2.    Direct Speech           : Max said to me, “He just eat pizza this morning.”
Reported Speech      : Max said to me that he just ate pizza this morning.
3.    Direct Speech           : Key said, “He can play the violin well.”
Reported Speech      : Key said that he could play the violin well.
4.    Direct Speech           : “I will be in Tokyo on Sunday,” Krystal said.
Reported Speech      : Krystal said that she would be in Tokyo on Sunday.
5.    Direct Speech          : “I will be watching the movie today,” Amber said.
Reported Speech      : Amber said that she wouuld be watching the movie today.

Reported Speech

If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker’s exact words (direct speech), but reported (indirect) speech.
Direct speech
Direct speech restate exactly what has been said by others. Example :
·         Victoria said, “I wana buy a new car”
·         Micky said, “I receive scholarship this year”
Reported Speech
Reported speech is not directly report what others are saying. Example :
·         Victoria said that she wanna bought a new car
·         Micky said that he received scholarship this year
Reported speech using the past tense of the direct speech. So if direct speech in the form of present tense, then the reported speech in the form of past tense. If the direct speech in the form of past tense, then the reported speech using the past perfect form.

Selasa, 12 April 2011


I read this from Gaul Magazine

1. Tomato

Tomato serves to provide moisture to the hair, so the hair becomes more manageable. Tomatoes can also make fragrant hair all day.

How to: Spread tomato paste on the scalp. Let stand for 15 minutes, then wash.

2. Vinegar

Vinegar can make hair look more shiny, vinegar is the best medicine for a crusty scalp.

How to: Before use, mix the vinegar with water first, because vinegar has a strong character. Combine 5 tablespoons of vinegar with two tablespoons of water, then wash the hair with the solution and then wash the hair.

3. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can increase the sheen on the hair, other than that lemon juice is also useful for treating long hair look healthy.

How to: Mix five tablespoons squeezed lemon juice with one tablespoon of honey. After that, apply this mixture on wet hair and let sit for 20 minutes. Then, rinse hair with warm water, last apply a conditioner.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is the best nutrition for hair. Aloe vera can make hair cleaner, brighter, grow faster and stronger. Plants that have a Latin name Aloe barbadensis Milleer also serves to enrich and overcoming the damaged hair.

How to: Take one bar of aloe vera, and cut the edges of enlarged until it looks gel, then rub on each hemisphere of hair. Let stand for 15 minutes for complete gel soak, then rinse with warm water.

5. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is useful for the treatment of dry hair, so the hair looks more moist and shine.

How to: Apply mayonnaise to the entire section of hair, from scalp to the ends of hair. Let stand for several minutes, then wash clean.

6. Milk

Milk contains many vitamins and proteins. Liquid milk without feeling useful to make the hair more shine and also as an extra protective.

How to: Mix one teaspoon of honey with one cup of liquid milk. Apply the mixture on the scalp, then massage gently, especially at the hair root. Let stand for two hours, then wash the hair thoroughly.

7. Egg Yolk

Egg yolk is useful to prevent hair loss and provide optimal results for replacing every strand of hair falling out.

How to: Mix egg yolks with lemon juice. After shampooing, apply the mixture on the hair. Then cover hair with shower cap or towel dry, and leave on for 30-45 minutes. Lastly, wash and rinse the hair thoroughly for missing the smell of decaying stench.

8. Olive Oil

Olive oil is very useful to soften the hair and makes hair become more manageable.

How to: Apply olive oil on each strand of hair, after all the hair covered with olive oil, gently massage the scalp. Allow a few moments, until the olive oil seeped into every strand of hair. Finally, wash the hair.

Kamis, 07 April 2011


Noun Clauses Examples

1.     I don’t know + where is Miley ? (Question)

I don’t know where Miley is. (Noun Clause)

2.     She can speak in English fluently. (Statement)

That she can speak in English fluently is amazed. (Noun Clause)

3.     I know + Alex came on time everyday. (Statement)

I know that Alex came on time everyday. (Noun Clause)

4.     Tiffany was late. That didn’t surprise them. (Statement)

The fact that Tiffany was late didn’t surprise them. (Noun Clause)

5.     Micky is a good singer. (Statement)

I think Micky is a good singer. (Noun Clause)

6.     Orlando know + Keira like reads novel. (Statement)

Orlando know that Keira like reads novel. (Noun Clause)

7.     Can she cook some food ? (Question)

Whether she can cook some food doesn’t concern me. (Noun Clause)

8.     Listen this new song. (Request)

He asked that I listen this new song. (Noun Clause)

9.     Sushi comes from Japan. (Statement)

That Sushi comes from Japan is well known to all. (Noun Clause)

10. What a clever boy he is. (Exclamation)

I never realize what a clever boy he is. (Noun Clause)

Rabu, 06 April 2011


Noun Clauses

            Noun Clause is a Clause which is used instead of functioning as a noun or noun (noun). Noun Clause can also be used as subject or object.
          According to the original sentence types, Noun Clause can be classified into 4 types, namely:
1.     Statement
2.     Question
3.     Request
4.     Exclamation
1. Statement
          Function of this clause as subject of the sentence, for example:
Ø      Panda lives in China (Statement)
Ø      That Panda lives in China is well known to all (Noun Clause)
2. Question
          Question words used were 'Whether', so that only require a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. For example :
Ø      Can she drive the car ? (Question)
Ø      Whether she can drive the car doesn’t concern me. (Noun Clause)
3. Request
          The function of this clause as the object of the verb, for example :
Ø      Read the book! (Request)
Ø      She suggested that I read the book. (Noun Clause)
4. Exclamation
          Conjunction that’s used is, used question words in the sentence itself. The function of this clause as the object of the verb, for example:
Ø      What a handsome boy he is? (Exclamation)
Ø      I never realize what a handsome boy he is. (Noun Clause)

Senin, 04 April 2011

Heading to the Gorund

Cha Bong Gun is a football player who has great potential. He dreams - dreams to become a member of the Korean national team. One day he met a football agent named Kang Hae Bin. He offered Cha Bong Gun for entry into the Korean national team, Bong Gun initially refused because he did not believe in Kang Hae Bin, he thinks a woman does not deserve a football agent.

But eventually bong Gun was willing to accept it and at first, test before entering the FC Seoul. FC Seoul coach initially refused Cha Bong Gun because of his ability is still lacking, but after persuaded by Kang Hae Bin, Cha Bong Gun finally given the opportunity once again to sign FC Seoul. Various interesting experience, experienced Bong Gun after he signed FC Seoul. But there is also a member who does not like him because he was considered not to have sufficient ability as a footballer, because he entered the team with ease thanks to the help of his agent, Kang Hae Bin. While other members have to go through much trouble to join the team. But Cha Bong Gun has never ignored the words of his friends, and keep practicing all day. Thanks to Cha Bong Gun Besides, his team often wins the match.

After so long together, Cha Bong Gun and Kang Hae-Bin even like each other. But there are other people among them that Jang Seung Woo who is a lawyer, was an old friend of Cha Bong Gun, but because of a problem now they are hostile. Seung Woo has long liked Hae Bin. Similarly, Oh Yeon Iee, Bong Gun’s childhood friend who worked as a nutritionist in national team football. One day Bong Gun had an accident and lost his memory. By Seung Woo, Bong Gun transferred to Mental Hospital to keep him away from Hae Bin. However, Hae Bin can find Bong gun and finally she know Seung Woo’s crime who alienate Bong Gun to a Mental Hospital and ever enter Bong Gun into jail on charges of hit-and-run, that's what makes Bong Gun and Seung Woo hostile. Seung Woo also ever told people to bring Bong Gun to Japan and joined the Japanese national team, so that Bong Gun can’t be met again with Hae Bin, but Bong Gun refused. After unmasked uncovered, Seung Woo was jailed. Finally Bong Gun and Hae Bin can be together.