Selasa, 12 April 2011


I read this from Gaul Magazine

1. Tomato

Tomato serves to provide moisture to the hair, so the hair becomes more manageable. Tomatoes can also make fragrant hair all day.

How to: Spread tomato paste on the scalp. Let stand for 15 minutes, then wash.

2. Vinegar

Vinegar can make hair look more shiny, vinegar is the best medicine for a crusty scalp.

How to: Before use, mix the vinegar with water first, because vinegar has a strong character. Combine 5 tablespoons of vinegar with two tablespoons of water, then wash the hair with the solution and then wash the hair.

3. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can increase the sheen on the hair, other than that lemon juice is also useful for treating long hair look healthy.

How to: Mix five tablespoons squeezed lemon juice with one tablespoon of honey. After that, apply this mixture on wet hair and let sit for 20 minutes. Then, rinse hair with warm water, last apply a conditioner.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is the best nutrition for hair. Aloe vera can make hair cleaner, brighter, grow faster and stronger. Plants that have a Latin name Aloe barbadensis Milleer also serves to enrich and overcoming the damaged hair.

How to: Take one bar of aloe vera, and cut the edges of enlarged until it looks gel, then rub on each hemisphere of hair. Let stand for 15 minutes for complete gel soak, then rinse with warm water.

5. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is useful for the treatment of dry hair, so the hair looks more moist and shine.

How to: Apply mayonnaise to the entire section of hair, from scalp to the ends of hair. Let stand for several minutes, then wash clean.

6. Milk

Milk contains many vitamins and proteins. Liquid milk without feeling useful to make the hair more shine and also as an extra protective.

How to: Mix one teaspoon of honey with one cup of liquid milk. Apply the mixture on the scalp, then massage gently, especially at the hair root. Let stand for two hours, then wash the hair thoroughly.

7. Egg Yolk

Egg yolk is useful to prevent hair loss and provide optimal results for replacing every strand of hair falling out.

How to: Mix egg yolks with lemon juice. After shampooing, apply the mixture on the hair. Then cover hair with shower cap or towel dry, and leave on for 30-45 minutes. Lastly, wash and rinse the hair thoroughly for missing the smell of decaying stench.

8. Olive Oil

Olive oil is very useful to soften the hair and makes hair become more manageable.

How to: Apply olive oil on each strand of hair, after all the hair covered with olive oil, gently massage the scalp. Allow a few moments, until the olive oil seeped into every strand of hair. Finally, wash the hair.

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